☁️ Microsoft 365

☁️ Microsoft 365#

Everyone at Polytechnique has access to Microsoft Office 365, including (???)GB of storage on OneDrive.

Account Creation#

  1. Go to https://www.microsoft.com/fr-ca/education/products/office

  2. Fill in your @polymtl.ca email address

    Filling in your email address

  3. You will receive a code to your email address. Check your spam if needed.

  4. Follow the link and the instructions on-screen to create a password.


  1. Go to https://polymtlca0-my.sharepoint.com/

  2. Connect with your @polymtl.ca Microsoft365 account.

    Login form screenshot

    Login password screenshot

  3. You have a root folder to put files in

    OneDrive root

You can create documents, spreadsheets, and upload files in this drive.

Sharing Data#

On the sender’s end:

  1. Files can be uploaded by the Upload button

    OneDrive root

  2. Files can also be uploaded by drag-and-drop

    OneDrive root

  3. Use the 'Share' button to get a link

    OneDrive root

    1. Usually you will want to set it to "View Only"

      OneDrive root

  4. The secret link it generates can be sent by email or any other messaging system

    OneDrive root

On the receiver’s end:

  1. It is possible to view or download the folder or any subfolder

    OneDrive root
