💰 Scholarships

💰 Scholarships#


If you decide to apply, please let your supervisor know at an early stage (several weeks in advance). Make sure to provide a first version of your application at least 2 weeks before the deadline, so there is time for iterating on the proposal. Please organize your files in the shared Google Drive under the fellowship/ folder as instructed here.

Contact person at Polytechnique: Jacqueline Sanchez (A205.4.6)


By default, all students will receive a stipend paid by the supervisor’s research fund. The stipend’s amount is based on Polytechnique’s recommendation (it is updated every year). When a student receives a scholarship, the lab’s policy is to add a supplement of $3,000 to $5,000, depending on the amount of the scholarship. If the scholarship covers the recommended annual support, then the supplement is generally around $5,000. If the scholarship is partial, then the supplement is around $3,000. The exact supplement is set at the discretion of the supervisor.

Masters (MSc)#

For students in neurosciences:

  • Faculté études supérieures

  • Neurosciences


Doctorate (PhD)#




Non-Canadians (and Canadians):

Travel awards#