MATLAB is installed on some internal machines (but not yet all).

To run MATLAB on your personal computer, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a MathWorks Account:

  • Go to the MathWorks account creation page and sign up using your PolyMtl email address.

  1. Download MATLAB:

  • Visit the download MATLAB page.

  • Select the MATLAB release version you want to download from the dropdown menu.

  • Click the download button.

    • Note: If you are using a recent Mac computer with an M1/M2/M3 chip, click the β€œGet Apple silicon MATLAB” button.

  1. Run the Installer:

  • Open the downloaded installer file.

    • Note: Your operating system may prompt you to provide credentials to install new software.

  • When prompted, log in using your PolyMtl email account credentials associated with your MathWorks account.

  • Read and accept the terms of the license agreement.

  1. Select Toolboxes:

  • On the β€œSelect product” tab, choose the toolboxes you need.

    • Note: Selecting all toolboxes will consume significant disk space (~30 GB). Start with the essentials (e.g., core MATLAB, Curve Fitting, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Optimization, Statistics and Machine Learning) and add more later if needed.

  1. Complete Installation:

  • Follow the prompts and click β€œBegin install.”

  • Once the installation is complete, you can create a shortcut by navigating to the installation directory and following your operating system’s standard procedure.

  1. Verify Installation:

  • Launch MATLAB to ensure it opens without errors.

Additional Notes:

  • You do not need to be connected to the PolyMtl VPN to activate or run MATLAB, as long as you use your PolyMtl email account for licensing.

  • If you encounter issues during installation, refer to the MathWorks Support page for troubleshooting.

  • To uninstall MATLAB, use the standard uninstallation process for your operating system.


Here is an example of how to display and print a figure:

h_fig = figure
set(h_fig,'position',[500,100,800,350]); % set position and size of the figure
h_axes = axes('FontSize',14,'FontName','arial'); % font size of the axis
plot(inspF(i,:)','r','linewidth',2), hold on
grid % display grid
xlim([0 18]); % set limimts for X-coordinate
ylim([-400 100]);
set(h_axes,'XTick',(1:17)); % number of partitions for X-coordinate
set(h_axes,'XTickLabel',{'Brain';'BS';'C1';'C2';'C3';'C4';'C5';'C6';'C7';'T1';'T2';'T3';'T4';'T5';'T6';'T7';'T8'}); % name of X-coordinate
set(h_fig,'PaperPositionMode','auto'); % for print --> uses the resolution that appears on your screen
xlabel('Vertebral level')
ylabel('Field (Hz)')
title(['Subject ',num2str(i)])


Toolbox #


Yosemite Issue #

Updating Mac OSX to Yosemite causes issues to run MATLAB. Indeed, you won’t be able to run Matlab due to some Java requirements. Mathworks released a patch to fix this issue that is available Here. Follow the instructions in README file to install it.