✈️ Conferences#


NeuroPoly’s conference folder is on google drive.

Test heading#

  • test point

List of Conferences#

Machine Learning / Medical image analyis:



  • OHBM

Medical Conferences:



  • 2015 June 14-18, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

  • 2016 June 26-30, Geneva, Switzerland

  • 2017 June 11-15, Vancouver, BC, Canada

  • 2018 June 10-14, Seoul, South Korea

  • 2019 June 8-14, Rome, Italy

  • 2020 Montreal, Canada

  • 2021 June 21-25, Virtual

  • 2022 June 19-23, Glasgow, Scotland

  • 2023 July 22-26, Montreal, Canada

  • 2024 June 23-27, Seoul, Korea

  • 2025 June 24-28, Brisbane, Australia


  • 2015 Oct 5-9, Munich, Germany

  • 2016 Oct 17-21, Athens, Greece

  • 2017 Sept 10-14, Quebec City, QC, Canada

  • 2018 Sept 16-20, Granada, Spain

  • 2019 TBD, Hong Kong, China

  • 2020 TBD, San Miguel, Lima, Peru


  • 2015 Oct 7-10, Barcelona, Spain

  • 2016 Sept 14-17, London, UK

  • 2017 Oct 25-28, Paris, France

  • 2018 Oct, Berlin, Germany

  • 2019 Sept, Stockholm, Sweden


  • 2017 Apr 18-21, Melbourne, Australia


List of Online Conferences From Various Universities#


Create Draft#

Share with Authors#

To send at least one week before the deadline:

Email title:


Email body:

Dear collaborators,

It is our pleasure to share with you the latest draft of our <CONFERENCE NAME> abstract:


Please use “Suggesting mode” (top right button) if you would like to make changes or add comments. If possible, please sign in with your Google account so that changes are nominative. Please make modifications no later than <DEADLINE MINUS_ONE DAY>.

Kind regards,

Upload on the website:

  • Affiliations

  • Presentation format:

    • First choice: oral

    • Second choice: poster (traditional or electronic)

  • Apply for stipend:

  • Send formatted versions to all co-authors before submitting


Please use templates for presentations:


For the visibility of the lab, please use this template in Keynote or PowerPoint format.

How to do a poster?

Institutional Logos

Neuropoly, UNF, CHUM, etc logos can be found here

What size should my poster be?

The template provided might not be the right size for you. The size of your poster depends on the conference requirements (usually listed on their website, or given to you by email). Typically you want to print ~ 5cm smaller to make sure it fits on the board.

Important: respect the proportion of your poster when you export it to pdf. Do not add white bands on the side. E.g., if your poster is set to 1000×2000 voxels, then export to pdf with a ratio of 1:2.

If you wish to use your poster for several conferences, then print it in a way so that it fits the requirement of each conference (e.g. if Conference #1 asks for 30x20 inches and Conference #2 asks for 25x28 inches, then print your poster at 23x18 inches).

The reprography allows any size under 60 inches.

Where to print your poster?

  • Polytechnique Montreal Reprography (C-225, Main pavilion). Order directly online using the form (pay upon receipt): http://www.polymtl.ca/reprographie/. Then, ask the department for reimbursement.

  • University of Montreal, http://www.sium.umontreal.ca/

  • https://www.graphiscan.com/ (complicated, asks for a quote, etc.)

Detailed how-to guide when printing your poster at Poly

For first-timers printing a poster, there might be a lot of things to consider (file types: pngs, pdfs, dpi settings, etc.). This gives a quick how-to on what settings to use for quick hassle-free poster printing. Note: This guide of MacOS users, there are similar options in PowerPoint for Windows.

Firstly, note that the images need to be at 300 dots/inch (DPI) to look good on a poster. When you’re making a poster on Keynote, there are two options to save your poster: (1) Exporting it directly as a pdf and (2) Exporting it as “Images” in a PNG or any other image format. Depending on what on your conference requires, you might need to do both.

When exporting directly as a PDF (option 1):

  • Keynote, by default, saves your PDF in a very high resolution. So, when sending the poster for printing at Poly, you can directly upload this PDF and then specify the size of the poster you want it to be printed on.

    • One way to check whether the resolution of your PDF is good is the following: (i) Open the PDF on Preview, (ii) Go to Export and save it as a JPEG with highest quality, while also increasing the resolution to 300 DPI. This JPEG figure should contain crisp images when zoomed in to the actual size.

When exporting directly as an Image (option 2):

  • This option is useful only when the conference wants you upload a PNG (or any image format) of your poster. Note that with Keynote, when slides are converted to images, the resolution automatically is set to 72 DPI.

    • What NOT to do? The actual poster should typically contain images with 300 DPI, so simplying changing the resolution by resampling from 72 to 300 DPI will make your figures look blurry when printed on paper.

    • So, to avoid this, refer to Option 1 and save your poster directly as a PDF instead.

Options to choose when filling out Poly’s Service de la reprographie form:

  1. Type de client - etudiant

  2. Type d’assemblage - aucun assemblage (no assembly)

  3. Impression - en couleur (in colour)

  4. Choix d’impression - recto seulement (front only)

  5. Format - select “grand format” (this means the printing is for a poster)

    • Type de papier - mat (for a matte, lightweight paper (the standard for posters))

    • po. (i.e. pouces) - size of the poster (in inches). Check your conference’s requirements for this.

How to pay?

They accept both cash and cards.

You pay when you get your poster and get the refund from the lab afterwards, on conference spending.

QR Code on the poster

Public access to the Spinal Cord Toolbox (https://spinalcordtoolbox.com) can be provided on the poster using this QR Code (download the original image (2000×2000) to add to your poster):



If you want to promote SCT, you can print stickers. Printing can be done by Polytechnique Montreal Reprography (C-225, Main pavilion). Just send them an email (reprographie@polymtl.ca) with this PDF SCT logo. They are able to print stickers with both transparent and white backgrounds. Recommended size: 8cm (width) × 3.5cm (height).

Planning Travel#

  • Flights: Select the best priced flight (within reason, no need to have unreasonably long layovers)

  • Accomodation: Try to share accommodation with other conference goers (again, within reason, no need to share in a scenario that makes you uncomfortable)

  • Scholarships: Where possible try and get conference allowance from scholarships Some options are listed below.

    • QBIN - to have access to QBIN funding opportunities, you have to become a QBIN member. To do so, fill out the form at the bottom of this page (Become a member – RBIQ-QBIN). Then, send an email to rbiq@usherbrooke.ca to to verify that they received your form.

    • UNIQUE Conference Travel Grants

    • Also see this Scholarships intranet page

    • Please add to this list if you know of others

  • Communicate with your supervisor: Send a budget with planned expenses to your supervisor before booking


The typical policy of the lab is that you can get your conference subscription reimbursed if you have something to present. If you don’t, please ask your supervisor if they can reimburse the attendance.

You are reimbursed for:

  • Registration fees. Note: The lab will only reimburse the cost of early fee. If you register late, you will have to pay the difference.

    • for ISMRM: make sure to be a student member– it reduces the overall cost of the conference– and make sure to do it AHEAD OF TIME (not last minute)

  • Transport (plane, train)

  • Housing. On that note, you are highly encouraged to share accommodation with your labmates.

You are not reimbursed for:

  • Food


If the conference offers travel grants, you have to apply to them. If you don’t, you will only be reimbursed the total amount minus the value of the travel grant. If you get the travel grant, it will be used to reimburse your conference (the rest will be paid by the lab). Note that travel awards are good for your CV.

You can be reimbursed by two means:

A priori (travel advance)

Send an email to dge.demande@polymtl.ca and ask them for a travel advance.

The amount of the advance is an estimate of all your eligible conference fees (see above).

Keep all your receipts and bank statement information (if using debit or credit card).

Once the conference is over, you have one month to claim the refunds.

A posteriori

Keep all your receipts and bank statement information(if using debit or credit card).

Once the conference is over, send an email to dge.demande@polymtl.ca with all your receipts.

N.B. You can not be reimbursed for expenses incurred before the conference. If you wish, ask for a travel advance.